Bowel control problems are incredibly common and almost always treatable. Though fecal incontinence is extremely common (1 in 12 adults), it shouldn’t be considered a normal part of aging.

Join Dr. Fernando Aycinena for a free webinar on bladder and bowel concerns, with time for Q & A. Are these symptoms causing you to say “no” to activities you love?
- Uncontrollable urges to go to the bathroom.
- Frequent accidents resulting in wearing pads.
- Getting up multiple times at night.
If you or a loved one are suffering, please attend this special webinar cosponsored by Medtronic and Longstreet Clinic.
- When: Feb. 20, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
- Where: Online! Register to get the link
Fecal accidents are embarrassing and can be hard to talk about. If you are staining your underpants, leaking poop, or have other bowel control symptoms, it’s time to regain your normal. There are treatment options available.
Find relief today! Join us Medtronic and Longstreet Clinic colorectal specialist Fernando Aycinena, M.D., FASCRS, for a free and anonymous educational event and learn options for control.
To learn more and/or register, click here.