Center for Weight Management team partners with NGHS program designed to boost teen health.

Obesity is not just an issue for adults. In fact, a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study* revealed that 22.2% of American 12- to 19-year-olds have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher and are considered obese.

When you consider another study* (this one from the National Institute of Health) that shows that around 80% of obese adolescents will still be obese in adulthood, it’s easy to see the importance of addressing adolescent obesity in a timely fashion to help minimize the long-term health impacts that obesity can have on the body.

That is why the care providers at Longstreet Clinic’s Center for Weight Management are excited to partner with Northeast Georgia Health System on the creation of a new Adolescent Weight Loss Program.

Designed specifically to meet the needs of our community, the Adolescent Weight Loss Program is led by an experienced and caring team that includes a pediatrician, bariatric surgeons, dietitians, a pediatric psychologist, and an athletic trainer – all focused on helping adolescents overcome the dangers and long-lasting impact of obesity.

Learn more about the program

Addressing Modern Problems From All Angles

It’s hard enough being a teen in modern society, let alone a teen battling obesity. The goal of the Adolescent Weight Loss Program is to give area teens and pre-teens the best chance at overcoming their weight concerns. It does so by addressing adolescents’ unique situation and time in life. Because while the treatments for obesity may remain the same for people of all ages, how they are presented and delivered can be unique to people in different walks of life.

The Adolescent Weight Loss Program also includes parents and family members in treatments and discussions, as they also play a vital role in helping their pre-teens and teens achieve better health.

Perhaps best of all, the presence of the Adolescent Weight Loss Program offers convenience. In the past, families had to seek help much further away. Now, there are experienced, highly qualified care providers right here that are ready to make a difference for life and help local adolescents achieve their weight goals.

And because there are so many experts working together, they can help determine the best route to success – whether that includes nutritional counseling and dietary changes under the guidance of a registered dietician, medication use, or bariatric surgery. And because we’re helping children, the program is mindful of the total impact any treatment will have, both physically and psychologically for the long-term.

There is no need for your adolescent to battle obesity alone. And thanks to the Adolescent Weight Loss Program, there are trained professionals here in north Georgia who are ready to help.

*CDC study conducted between 2017-2020 (
*NIH study conducted in 2015 (
Adolescents and Weight Loss Background Image
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