Parents are understandably concerned about exposing their children to the novel coronavirus which causes COVID-19. However, Longstreet Clinic pediatricians want every parent to know that avoiding well-care check-ups (especially for children age 2 and younger) and immunization appointments could lead to potential health concerns in the long run.
Longstreet pediatricians are doing everything imaginable to provide a worry-free and secure healthcare environment for their patients – including but not limited to temperature screenings at entrance, telehealth appointments, limiting the number of non-patient visitors or ensuring a clean and safe office space for both well and sick patients. We’ve also adjusted our scheduling in order to group well visits and sick visits at different times of the day.

“The American Academy of Pediatrics and CDC still recommend that children maintain their routine checkups, especially for children under the age of 2. This is for a number of reasons, including immunizations against diseases and in order to keep an eye on developmental growth and ensure there are no interruptions,” said Longstreet pediatrician Dr. Eugene Cindea said. “In terms of immunizations, if we have a dip in the number of children who receive immunizations – in other words a large group of children that are not immunized – it will put all children who are immunized, and even adults, at risk when social distancing restrictions are relaxed.”
Click here to learn more about why it’s so important to continue pediatric care during this time, as well as measures Longstreet Clinic Pediatrics is taking to provide a safe environment for medical care.